Welcome to Stanley Middle School!


Stanley Student Showcase: Save the Date


Mark your calendars for the Stanley Student Showcase - Thursday, May 9th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm @ Stanley. Get dinner for your family on the blacktop and explore what your student has been learning this year. Food trucks will start serving at 5:30. Classrooms are open from 6:30-7:30pm. 







Lunch and Campus Cruiser Volunteers Needed


Participating in our Hot Lunch Volunteer Program is a wonderful way to help our school by distributing meals to students.

We need 3-4 volunteers per shift. The sign up is updated every week to include dates for two weeks. You can sign up for any open shift, no long term commitment. Please sign up to serve lunch here.


Campus Cruisers is a program for parents to provide a friendly presence on campus at lunchtime. Choose the days that work for you and then show up to observe Stanley students in their natural environment! Consider pairing up with a friend for a Campus Cruiser shift; it's a short time commitment but a fun thing to do! Please sign up for Campus Cruisers here

Did you know each school day starts off with daily announcements? Click Here to see what your students hear during the Daily Bulletin.  





Mobile Apps

* PTA members can easily access the directory & calendar from a mobile device. Just download the app.


Social Media